| Nahum, O. E., & Hadas, Y. (2009). Developing a Model for the Stochastic Time-Dependent Vehicle-Routing Problem. Proceeding of the 2009 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE 39), The University of Technology of Troyes, Troyes, France. ( Abstract at IEEE)
| Nahum, O. E., & Hadas, Y. (2010). A Comparison of Two Algorithms for the Stochastic Time-Dependent Vehicle-Routing Problem. Proceeding of the Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting (TRB 2010), Washington D.C, USA. ( Abstracts at TRB)
| Nahum, O. E., Hadas, Y., & Spiegel, U. (2013). Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows: a Vector Evaluated Artificial Bee Colony Approach, Proceeding of the Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting (TRB 2013), Washington D.C, USA. ( Abstracts at TRB)
| Nahum, O. E., Hadas, Y., Spiegel, U., & Cohen, R. (2014). The Real-Time Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problem - Case Study: Information Availability and the Quality of the Result. Proceeding of the Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting (TRB 2014), Washington DC, USA. ( Abstracts at TRB)
| Yosipof, A., Nahum, O. E, & Senderowitz, H. (2015). Data Mining Techniques Applied to the Study of New Light Absorbers. Paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop: Metal Oxide Materials Discovery & Applications, Jerusalem, Israel.
| Yosipof, A., Nahum, O. E, & Senderowitz, H. (2015). Material Informatics. Paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop: Metal Oxide Materials Discovery & Applications, Jerusalem, Israel.
| Nahum, O. E., & Hadas, Y. (2015). A Framework for Solving Real-Time Multi-Objective VRP. Paper presented at the 18th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2015), Delft, The Netherlands.
| Hadas, Y., & Nahum, O. E. (2015). Urban Bus Network of Priority Lanes: a Combined Multi-Objective and Multi-Criteria Approach. Proceeding of the Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport 2015 (CASPT 2015), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
| Nahum, O. E., Hadas, Y., Rossi, R., Gastaldi, M., & Gecchele, G. (2016). Network Design Model with Evacuation Constraints Under Uncertainty. Proceeding of the 19th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2016), Istanbul, Turkey.
| Nahum, O. E., & Hadas, Y. (2017). Multi-Objective Evacuation Network Design with Chance Constraints. Proceeding of the Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting (TRB 2017), Washington DC, USA.
| Nahum, O. E., Hadas, Y., Zanini, M., Pellegrino, C., Rossi, R., & Gastaldi, M. (2017). Stochastic Multi-Objective Evacuation Model Under Managed and Unmanaged Policies. Proceeding of the 20th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2017), Budapest, Hungary.
| Hadas, Y., Nahum, O. E., Gastaldi, M., & Rossi, R. (2018). Optimal Evacuation Planning Under a Partial Traffic Management Regime. Proceeding of the Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting (TRB 2018), Washington DC, USA.
| Hovav, S., Levner, I., Nahum, O. E., & Szabo, I. (2018). Enhancing the Performance of Automatic Logistic Centers By Optimizing the Assignment of Material Flows to Workstations and Flow Racks. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (ICORIE 2018), New-York, USA.
| Nahum, O. E., Hadas, Y., & Kalish, A. (2018). A Combined Freight and Passenger Planes Cargo Allocation Model. Proceeding of the 21st Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2018), Braunschweig, Germany.
| Nahum, O. E., Wachtel, G., Hadas, Y. (2019). Planning Tourists Evacuation Routes with Minimal Navigation Errors. Paper presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Operations Research Society of Israel (ORSIS 2019).
| Nahum, O. E., Wachtel, G., Hadas, Y. (2019). Planning Tourists Evacuation Routes with Minimal Navigation Errors. Proceeding of the 22nd Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2019), Barcelona, Spain.
| Wachtel, G., Schmöcker, J. D., Gao, Y., Nahum, O. E., & Hadas, Y. (2020). Planning for City Tourist Evacuation Routes: Collecting and Providing Information. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting (TRB 2020).
| Hadas, Y., & Nahum, O. E. (2020). Multi-Objective Optimal Allocation of Wireless Bus Charging Stations Considering Costs and Environmental Impact. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting (TRB 2020).
| Hadas, Y., Ben-Moshe, B., Wachtel, G., Nahum, O. E., Schmöcker, J. D., Gao, Y. & Sabashi, K. (2021). Assessing the Navigation Error Characteristics of Residents and Tourists During Evacuation – a Combined Simulation and Virtual Reality Approach. Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability (INSTR 2021), Stockholm, Sweden.
| Nahum, O. E., Mayoset, O. & Hadas, Y. (2022). Developing a Simulation Model for Emergency Evacuation, Considering Navigation Errors. Paper presented at the 2nd Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center Annual Conference (ISTRC22), Haifa, Israel.
| Nahum, O. E., Hadas, Y. & Wolfus, S. (2022). Optimal Charging Station Deployment for Dynamic Wireless Charging in Electrical Bus Route. Paper presented at the Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport 2022 (CASPT 2022), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
| Mayost, O., Nahum, O. E. & Hadas, Y. (2023). A Combined Simulation-Optimization Emergency Evacuation Planning Framework Considering Residents and Tourists. Paper presented at the 25th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2023), Santander, Spain.